festivals & rites


taue-sai 田 植え祭
rice planting festival

J 242 454

Otaue-sai or taue-sai includes a special dance known as otaue-odori and is held at rice-planting time in May orJune in all parts of Japan to pray for a good rice crop and successful harvest. Yasu City in Shizuoka Prefecture.

Rice planting festival in Fushimi-Inari-taisha shrine / Kyôto City
Juni 2016


D 317 042
Shintô-Priester mit Holzzepter shaku beim Reispflanzfest taue-sai im Schrein Fushimi-Inari-taisha

D 317 040
Ankunft der Priester-Prozession am Reisfeld
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

D 317 054
Novizen entpacken Reis-Setzlinge
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

D 317 062
 Oberpriester bringt Reis-Setzlinge
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

D 317 063
Oberpriester verneigt sich vor Setzlingen
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

D 317 048
Priester segnet das Reisfeld
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

D 317 047
Priester segnet das Reisfeld  (2)
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

D 317 040
Priester segnet das Reisfeld  (3)
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

D 317 065
Übergabe der Setzlinge an den Vorsteher der Reisbauern
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

D 317 066
Vorsteher trägt Reis-Setzlinge zum Reisfeld
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

D 317 067
Vorsteher übergibt Setzlinge an die Reisbauern /
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

D 317 068
Reisbauern verteilen sich auf dem Reisfeld
taue-sai im Fushimi-inari-taisha / Kyôto

Rice planting festival in Yasu City
Mai 1999

Shintô rites

J 242 394
Shintô priests with wooden sceptrer = shaku
/ Yasu City

J 242 391
local dignitaries / Yasu City
taue-sai / Yasu City

J 242 390
sacrificial offerings behind torii
taue-sai / Yasu City

J 242 393
Shintô priests beside torii
taue-sai / Yasu City

J 242 401
Shintô priest + sacrificial offerings  (2)
taue-sai / festival
J 242 409
Shintô priest + sacrificial offerings  (3)
taue-sai / festival
J 242 402
Shintô priest + sacrificial offerings  (4)
taue-sai / festival

J 242 415
priests + rice-planting man + local dignitaries
taue-sai / festival
J 242 425
rice-planting women
taue-sai / festival

H 235 090
rice farmers + priests
taue-sai / festival

J 242 418a
priest hands over blessed rice seedlings
Taue-sai / Feste
J 242 418
priest hands over blessed rice seedlings  (2)
Taue-sai / Feste
J 242 419a
rice farmer receives blessed rice seedlings
Taue-sai / Feste

J 242 419b
presit bow to rice farmer
Taue-sai / Feste
J 242 420
rice farmer receives blessed rice seedlings  (2)
Taue-sai / Feste
J 242 421
rice farmer bows to priest
Taue-sai / Feste

J 242 421
rice farmer bears away the blessed rice seedlings
Taue-sai / Feste
J 242 422
rice farmer hands the blessed rice seedlings over to another rice farmer
Taue-sai / Feste

rice-planting with dance and music

H 235 093
rice-planting = taue - see also cultivation of rice
taue-sai / festival

J 242 427
rice-planting dance = taue-odori
taue-sai / festival
J 242 428
rice-planting dance  (3)
taue-sai / festival

J 242 437
rice-planting  (2)
taue-sai / festival
J 242 430
rice-planting  (3)
taue-sai / festival

J 242 433
rice-planting woman = taue-onna
taue-sai / festival
J 242 460
rice-planting  (4)
taue-sai / festival
J 242 448
rice-planting dance  (2)
taue-sai / festival

J 242 454
rice-planting  (4)
taue-sai / festival
J 242 429
dancer - portrait
taue-sai / festival

J 242 429a
dancer - portrait  (2)
Taue-sai / Feste
J 242 457
dancer - portraits
Taue-sai / Feste
J 242 441a
dancer - portrait  (3)
Taue-sai / Feste

J 242 441
rice-planting dance  (4)
Taue-sai / Feste
J 242 440
rice-planting dance  (5)
Taue-sai / Fest

J 242 450
rice-planting - rice field
taue-sai / festival

J 242 438
rice-planting  (6)
taue-sai / festival
J 242 434
rice-planting  (7)
taue-sai / festival

J 244 364
drum group in front of a the torii
taue-sai / festival
J 244 369
drum group in front of torii  (2)
taue-sai / festival

J 244 368
drum group  (3)
taue-sai / festival
J 244 370
drum group  (4)
taue-sai / festival